Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jasmine Cain - "Modern Day Gypsy" out now!
Interview by Chris Koppers/images courtesy of Jasmine Cain

Jasmine is a true talent, but moreover, she got the "never stop" attitude. 
She provides "Rock 'n' Roll for the gypsy soul" on the highest level. 

Learn more about her style, her outstanding music, and her mission: 

So far, you have released three albums. Is there a particular album you love most?
What can we expect in the near future?

Actually, we just released our 4th album "Modern Day Gypsy". It's all acoustic and really showcases the real talent of the band, vocally and instrumentally. It was released in August of this year. But my favorite album is really hard to define. It really depends on my mood. When I feel like the odds are against me, I put in "The Inside" because it was my first album and I was really angry and motivated during that time. It fuels my fire. When I'm reflecting and in somewhat of a dark mood, I put in "Locks & Keys" because those songs are real and I was hurting when I wrote them. It's like having a close friend that can relate to you. "Highway Prophet" is the best when it's time to hit the road because it's a true rock album. It gets the blood pumping and the energy is high. You feel like you can accomplish anything. I listed to "Modern Day Gypsy" on Sundays after the rush of the weekend to be calm and enjoy the day. My mood can change quickly, and so does my CD choice. 

You are a stunning lady on solid ground. How would you describe your success?
How was it in the early days?

Thank you very much! I would describe my success as hard earned. Nothing was handed to me. I worked my ass off to get to where I am. Countless hours of working and worrying brought me to where I am today. It was calculated and spontaneous all at the same time. We took chances and risks when we felt like we had a chance of making it. They were somewhat calculated decisions, but a total shot in the dark all at the same time. 

The early days seem impossible. I'm not sure how we survived. We were starving to death. I think I was like 83 pounds and you could see every bone in my body protruding from my flesh. My family would cry when they saw me. Everyone was against us and spent a great deal of time trying to ruin any chances of success we might have coming our way. Just when it would seem like we would catch a break, the rug would get yanked out from under us. It was exhausting and frustrating and I cried alot. We would leave town and perform 5-6 nights a week on the road for 4 hour long bar shows and visit our house like once every 5 or 6 months. We didn't bother buying furniture because we were never here to enjoy it anyway. We slept in the truck a good bit of the time and occasionally we would camp out so it felt like we were on vacation. 

I miss those days to some extent because we were more like a family. It really was a matter of survival and we knew we couldn't do it alone. We needed each other and we treated each other with respect. The guys in the band then (Rikk Legions & Brian Hobaugh) really had a lot of respect for me. I never heard them say a bad word about me and if anyone else ever did, they were quick to step in. It was the first time in my life that I felt like somebody had my back.

What is your latest project? 

"Modern Day Gypsy" is our latest album. It is a collection of songs that include a few of the more popular cuts from previous albums like "Help Me" and "Sweet Euphoria" but also has several new songs like "The Kiss" and "Hole" just to name a few. After many years of performing "Bobby McGee" at the end of every show, I finally decided to include it on the album as well. We recorded that live at Ohio Bike Week with 40,000 people singing along. It was really magical.

We have a new music video for "Highway Prophet" which you can see on YouTube. We have had somewhere around 15,500 view since we released it in March and we feel really good about that.

We actually cut a new video for an older song "Fade" this year as well as a tribute to the men and women who defend our freedom. We are still in the editing process with that because we have to make sure it's absolutely perfect. I expect to have it finished by the 1st of the year. Maybe a New Year's Eve present.

This winter I will be taking on the biggest undertaking ever by building a stage and putting together a 100% all original Jasmine Cain show with HUGE production. It will include video, special effects lighting, circus performers, a full symphony, a choir, and a unique acoustic section that will showcase our new album somewhat. There is so much to plan for something like this and I'm completely overwhelmed by it, but I can't rest until it's finished. It will be recorded by multiple cameras and we will be releasing it on DVD next year complete with all of our music videos, video skits, and footage from live shows across the country and interviews with the band. The best stuff is always the backstage footage and video of us on the road. Hilarious. I know everyone is gonna love it. The band has always been filled with characters who were wildly entertaining. 

What do you believe what your fans love most when it comes to your music?

It's real. They can relate because it's real. The lyrics, the music, the performance, the's all real and they feel it. I think they love the high energy of the show and the fact that it's (literally) hand-on. We need them to make the show great. I mean, if I climb 25 feet in the air and jump off a speaker stack into the crowd and nobody catches me, then we have a problem. 

Where will you see yourself in 2014?

I know we're supposed to have a roadmap of this stuff, but I take it one day at a time. I would love to be on a national tour. I would love to have excellent management. I would absolutely love to have a bus and driver so I didn't have to do it all, but I'm capable and willing and I'll do it if I have to. I think our songs are every bit as good as anything you hear on rock radio and adult contemporary. I think we can stand on a stage with the best of them and hold our own. And until the right people come along, I supposed that's just what we'll do.
What are your requirements for successful songwriting?

Honesty, sincerity, and emotion. It doesn't matter how complicated the guitar riff is or how badass the drums are (although that helps). When you break it down to just one instrument and a voice, does the song hold up? Ask yourself that question. And if the question is yes, then you've got something. 

Can you name us some of your sweetest moments of your career? What happened?

In 2009, there was an awards show here in Nashville called Just Plain Folks. They receive over half a million submissions of albums all over the world and hold an awards banquet to honor the best. Performers fly in from all over the world. We were touring promoting our "Locks & Keys" album and we won 6 awards that night including "Song of the Year" and "Female Artist of the Year". Songwriters who had written hit songs for some of the greatest artists in music were shaking my hand and complimenting me on a great album. That was amazing.

In 2005 we opened up for Rob Zombie (by accident). The metal band that was supposed to be there didn't show so they took us off the stage we were performing on and put us up in from of Rob Zombie. I am a huge fan of his, but I knew our band was nowhere near metal. At that time we couldn't even be convincing. John 5 was watching from side stage and Zakk Wylde was there. The crowd wasn't responsive at all. We pulled out the hardest stuff we knew. One guy was standing in the front heckling me about how girls don't belong in metal. I knew I had to do something so I threw my guitar down and took a running jump off the stage and nailed that guy in the face. Security pulled me over the fence and I left the stage. John 5 and Zakk Wylde said that was the coolest thing they'd seen. That was awesome.

In 2010 we opened for Heart. I have always been amazed by those 2 girls. I cried during the whole show because it was so surreal. They are true rock stars and total class acts. I love them. Best part was a few months later we were totally on the other side of the States and they were playing in NJ and so were we. We finished our show and drove to their concert and their band invited us on the bus and backstage to watch Def Leopard from side stage. Amazing stuff.

Who is the most supportive person in your life?

I have several. My boyfriend has been my friend for many years. We've only been dating for a little over a year now, but he's always been helpful and supportive of my career. He's an attorney of trademark and copyright and some entertainment law, so he is totally helpful in the things that I have a hard time keeping up with. He also put himself through law school by being a front of house sound engineer so whenever we're dealing with a sound problem in the middle of the show, he's on it. He's amazing.

My best friend here in Nashville is another rocker girl named Goldylocks. I love her because she's not your normal girl. We can both get dolled up and blow people's minds, but this is a straight up, real chick. She works out in her underwear, she cusses like a sailor, and has no problem telling people off when they deserve it. We are alot alike. It's cool to have a friend in the business because most people are so cut throat. There are no back stabbing issues here and that's super cool and incredibly rare.

My Mom & Dad have put up the loan for 3 of my 4 albums and I pay the bank back, but without them offering me that, I don't know how I would be able to do it. They have become increasingly more supportive of my career and proud of my successes.

My Aunt Nina is kinda like me and Goldy. She doesn't take any shit from anybody. So when I'm having a bad day, she usually cheers me up. I can count on that. I just picture her in her "You lyin' Sum Bitch" tank top with a cigarette in one hand and Black Velvet drink in the other and I have to start laughing. She's awesome. 

All of my family is awesome and supportive. It's completely unlike cattle ranching, but they know it's what I was meant to do. 

Where can we find/purchase your music?

Currently, my music is available online at and at shows. You can download the songs at iTunes and Rhapsody or if you just feel like listening, you can find us on ReverbNation/jasminecain or Spotify. We will have our online store up shortly at our website so keep an eye out for that. The best way to see what the band is up to is to follow us on Facebook/jasminecainrocks or Twitter @jasminecainrock. 

 I'm updating constantly. I can't sit still.


  1. Cool, Chris.

    Jasmine's music is bad[censored]!
    The interview is great.

    What else should I exprect from crankbox-music?

    All the nest,

  2. Coooooooool sounds.

    I already love her music.

    THANK you for publishing the interview :)

    A new fan,
    Axel D.

  3. Jasmine is full of power.

    We need more ladies like her, but she should be the only one making music!

    Thanks, Chris.
    Mika from Sweden.

  4. Great release!

    See ya,

  5. She is a fabulous lady.

    Best wishes :)

  6. She kicks big [censored]!

    Great voice.


  7. She's hot with the most dynamic voice on earth.

    Great interview.


  8. Awesome band,

    Great blog.


  9. Great. Period.


  10. Outstanding interview in the early morning!

    Keep on publishing!


  11. Her voice blasted me away.

    Thanks crankbox-music for the interview.

    Best wishes,

  12. She's like a dream.

    Love from PA,

  13. Great songs. Need to get her album!

    Keep on rocking!


    P.S. Crank-box music is the best blog.

  14. Great lady.

    Wish you well,

  15. Great lady.

    Wish you well,

  16. Great performers.

    Jasmine is unique. Thank you for sharing the interview.

    Best wishes,


  17. A true power lady

    Megan Cox

  18. She is great.

    Thank you, crankbox music.

    Much luv,

  19. She's the best singer!


  20. I love her music!


  21. Great release.

    Hope to her performing in Europe soon.

    Hello from Austria,

  22. Best album ever.


  23. Jasmine rocks my world!


  24. Well, you see.... I love her. She is a lot like her dad. Very stong willed and usually accomplishes what she sets out to do. Sometimes it takes a little help but for the most part it's all on her.
    She seems very normal to me. Not like some musicians I've been around. But I think that being grounded is the only way it will ever work if your gonna make it. She's my FAVORITE daughter and I love her very much. I don't think people in general ever know how hard it is to do what she does. You work you tail off, you never get to spend a holiday with family, you never get anything put into retirement, you are on the phone ALL the time booking , or making arrangements or something else all the time.
    I sure do miss her. Sure wish she was here right now and we'd go dig some taters together.
    Love and miss you baby girl.
    She can sing, drive, ride,cook,worbex cattle better than any one in Meade Co. I miss her.
    I know she know's the Lord, I hope she has him on speed dial because she'll never make it without Him:) and I hope her friends will watch over her too. I sure mis her.

  25. Jasmine is the best unsigned artist in the country. Its just a matter of time. Like the previous comment from her mother,she's very grounded and treats people with respect. I have all 4 of her CDs and her versatality is very apparent comparing the content of each CD. She is a very intelligent and deep thinking woman as revealed in her lyrics. She is ADORED AND LOVED by her fans especially if you take the time to meet her personally after a performance. She gives her all to her fans on and off the stage. Give her a listen and you'll be a fan I'll buy her music immediately after a test run. The sky's the limit for this artist and she's on her way to national recognition. Trust me!

  26. PS. When I heard her latest release Modern Day Gypsy I was blown away. The best 2 female artists releases I had heard in the past year or so was Adele's 21 and Amy Whitehouse's Lioness:Jasmine's Modern Day Gypsy is in the same league as these. Her vocal range and power and use of fluctuating her tone and octave is amazing. She sounds like a mixture of Joss Stone mixed with Amy Whitehouse and the strength and raspy sound of Janis Joplin . A soulful strong sound is very evident in her voice. If you want to realize her capabilities buy the rocking Highway Prophet and Modern Day Gypsy CD and you'll see what everyone is talking about.
